Thinking of Re-Branding?
This year we are helping several clients in the area of International and Corporate Branding via a government-funded initiative -...
To keep up with the most challenging obstacles in today's dynamic business environment, we believe in equipping ourselves with the most updated, innovative and practical ideas to help our clients. These ideas are the result of strong research orientation, collaborations with leading institutes in the respective fields, and cross-cultural, cross-industry project experiences.
Our company continuously participates in a selective range of corporate events & research activities that enhance our achievement of the above goals. For more real-time updates, follow us on Twitter!
Communication Program for International Organisations
Starting in 2012, our practice is officially dedicating 3 months of our expertise & time each year to contribute to social and international community work. Dedicated visits are made to The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), United Nation agencies (such as UNICEF, UNEP, UNDP, UNHCR, OCHA), International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) to better understand funding challenges of these agencies.
Key areas of proposed assistance: maximise potential of online platforms & information systems to better communication & achieve corporate partnership. Help improve agency visibility, higher change programs success, & improve humanitarian learning for effective dissemination of information.
To find out how we could help your organisation achieve its mission, contact us: info@verityconsult.com
Endorsed Partners for Export Promotion Program (EPP)
Starting from February 2012, we are offering an 8-day workshop programme for busy small business owners who are keen on expansion overseas. The program is designed to help these export-inspired companies to accurately assess opportunities, prep for the challenges and execute effective strategies to gainresults in its export business.
More importantly, the goal of this program is to give SMEs the tools and technique to better its export best practice in the long run. Such knowledge could help improve profit, save time and costs. To learn more about this government-funded program, contact us at: info@verityconsult.com
Other News
Newly Launched Research Reports
Finally, abridged versions of our long-awaited research reports have been launched. Check out what makes a company successful at innovation adoption, change management, or partnership. What are the major characteristic of a smooth transition to better business practice; what can companies do to avoid pitfalls; & how can you overcome challenges before leaping on to the next height in your business.
For more details, check out our Resource center.
Showcase & Story-Telling
Ever wonder how some companies make it? What makes or breaks in that critical business decision? What are the lessons learnt? Click Resources to access a showcase of case studies illustrating the challenges our clients faced & overcome to get to where they are today. Who knows, you may turn your 'battle' experience into 'success' story of your own!
Social Networking Fun
Wanna know what makes us tick? The latest tips we learn from domain experts? How our clients inspire us? Or what querks and traits our team possess? Join our social networking sites and you can follow our every move! Be a fan on our Twitter or Facebook page. Let's get cracking, let's get social!
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